Hex cap white and black wood steel and stainless steel screw

A screw is a combination of simple machines: it is, in essence, an inclined plane wrapped around a central shaft, but the inclined plane (thread) also comes to a sharp edge around the outside, which acts as a wedge as it pushes into the fastened material, and the shaft and helix also form a wedge at the point. For further information or products details,please feel free to contact us. Main Market:Russia, Spain,America, Italy ,Canada etc

Products Details

cProduct Description It is suitable for double wrapping application to solve the heavier clamping requirements. The main feature of the stainless steel buckle is strength, it is due to the pressure design of the stainless steel that allows the construction without unions neither seams. cProduct  Components test cApplication The most common uses of screws are to hold objects together — such as wood — and to position objects. Often screws have a head on one end of the screw that allows it to be turned. The head is usually larger than the body of the screw. 5 Causes of Loose Bolts – and 5 Ways to Prevent Them

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